September 13, 2022
Author: Sandy Cameron
Brown Golf Management and GreatLIFE Golf & Fitness
John Brown, co-founder and CEO of Brown Golf, will assume the role of GreatLIFE Golf CEO, with Jason Harshbarger, co-owner and CFO of Brown Golf, assuming the role of GreatLIFE Golf CFO. Collectively, the GreatLIFE Golf brand will represent 70 golf courses, 25 gyms and one bowling center.
Foxfire Village Council Work Session
August 25,2022 The voices you hear off camera: Regarding the pool is Lisa Kivett / Village Clerk Public Comments: Mary Gilory / Zoning Board Additions to the agenda include: Engineering support personnel Banking Special Event insurance Is there a need to raise taxes??? See discussion at the end of the video
N. Shamrock Drive Paving Project
Slow news day…..
Long Range Planning Committee (Ad Hoc) I attended the Long-Range Planning meeting on Wednesday, August 3rd. I had the pleasure of meeting the splendid folks that have volunteered their time efforts to the long-range planning committee. I didn’t have any knowledge regarding the committee, but they were kind enough to inform us about their work….
Windy Ridge Subdivsion
The 31-acre parcel of the new Windy Ridge Subdivision is located behind the general store on Richmond Rd and will be have 20-25 homes. Discussion from the last council meeting, the developer has run into a slowdown because the connection they need to make to the water line requires a custom-made fitting. They are still…