No ulterior motive – No hidden agenda. This website was created out of a need for transparency and better communication from the Foxfire Village Town Hall.
It is intended to provide community awareness, truthful and accurate
information. If we make a mistake, please let us know, every effort will be made to get
the information to the community correctly.
This website is written and published by Volunteer’s.
This site is not the official record of the Foxfire Village government and is a private publication.
For those who are not able to attend the village council meetings and the
zoning meetings, now you will be able to get updates from the links provided
As local officials, it is the duty of the council board members to keep our community informed and involved.
The mayor and fellow councilmen make decisions on our behalf, so it is only right that we know what is going on in our municipality.
Taking care to provide truthful and accurate information is among a mayor’s most critical obligations.
If you have a story you would like add please use the “contact us” tab