Foxfire Village Zoning Board Meeting
September 20, 2022 Welcome new zoning board member Al Taylor will be starting his new...
Do you live in the ETJ? SEE MAP
If you live in the beige color section of the map you are in the...
Foxfire Village Council Meeting
September 13, 2022...
Brown Golf Management and GreatLIFE Golf & Fitness
John Brown, co-founder and CEO of Brown Golf, will assume the role of GreatLIFE Golf...
Foxfire Village Council Work Session
August 25,2022 The voices you hear off camera: Regarding the pool is Lisa Kivett /...
N. Shamrock Drive Paving Project
Slow news day…...
Long Range Planning Committee (Ad Hoc) I attended the Long-Range Planning meeting on Wednesday, August...
Windy Ridge Subdivsion
The 31-acre parcel of the new Windy Ridge Subdivision is located behind the general store...